Recent News and Information
After School Science
Join Valdez Pioneers at the Museum 11/15
Valdez Pioneers sixth annual Night at the Museum will be Friday, November 15th at Valdez Museum and Historical Archive, six to eight pm. Come celebrate Valdez history, enjoy refreshments, meet with old friend and make new ones. There will be a showing of Valdez, the Town that Survived; a documentery […]
Veterans Day Valdez Museum
Legislative Town Hall in Valdez 11/21-CANCELLED
Ruploops In Cordova 11/6
Public Hearing 11/8 -Comments on Superior Court Applicants
Valdez Business Lunch 11/12
Copper Valley Telephone Member Concerns
According to Glennallen resident and Copper Valley Telephone Cooperative (CVTC*) member Odis Brawner, the Facebook group Concerned Copper Valley Telephone Members was formed as a means to garner community support and increase member involvement. The group is currently collecting member signatures to request a special meeting in regards to a […]
PWS Residents Oppose Katalla & Controller Bay Project-KCHU Audio
The end of the comment period for oil and gas exploration near Katalla and Controller Bay in the Gulf of Alaska is rapidly approaching, and the project has many opponents. Their shared message is consistent: the land and the wildlife is more valuable than the resourses that may lie beneath. […]