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Person wearing white and green mask

Update-1New Valdez Case as of Tuesday 11/24

Valdez COVID-19 Unified CommandNEWS RELEASE # 046 For immediate release: 11/22/2020, 9:00 p.m.Valdez, AK – The community of Valdez received confirmation of three new resident cases of COVID-19 on Sunday. The three new resident cases are all adults with symptoms. All three patients are in isolation and following the guidance of their medical providers and public health officials. The contact investigation for all three cases is complete. Close contacts of all three patients have been notified and are in quarantine. The source investigations remain ongoing. Preliminary source investigation indicates no clear transmission source for any of the patients. Additionally, none of the three new cases appear to be linked to each other or the recent possible exposures within the local K-12 school system.

KCHU Coffee Break with Jason Hartley

KCHU Coffee Break with Jason Hartley

Genius. A word that gets thrown around a lot, and most of us agree it exists. But what happens when genius do some very un-geniuslike things? What if a genius “loses it” spectacularly? One writer has a theory. Jason Hartley, author of The Advanced Genius Theory: Are They Out of […]

City of Valdez Energy Assistance

City of Valdez Energy Assistance

Energy Assistance Program The Valdez City Council approved a 2021 Energy Assistance Program to help local residents relieve some of the energy costs this winter. The program offers an energy credit of $550.00 per household that can be applied to either a residential/commercial electric account or a residential/commercial fuel oil […]