Recent News and Information

EMT Classes Offered

EMT Classes Offered

Become an EMT by December.  Classes are scheduled for the evenings and on weekends. The $1080.00 enrollment cost for this six credit class does not include the price of text books, materials, state and federal testing or CPR certification.  Call 834-1600 for more information, or visit our website: . […]

Valdez Beautification

Valdez Beautification

By Sue Bergstrom for Valdez City News – The first time you’re likely to notice what the City of Valdez Beautification Task Force has been up to is when you’re coming home after being away. We have a new, beautiful city limits sign. Not only is it nicer looking than […]

Valdez Artist Sharry Miller

Valdez Artist Sharry Miller

By Sue Bergstrom for Valdez City News  – Sharry Miller and her family have lived full-time in Valdez since 2002, but have had a commercial fishing boat here since 1995. Sharry works in Oil Spill Contingency Planning for the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. So you may have encountered her […]

PWSCC Officially Joins UAA

PWSCC Officially Joins UAA

    The Northwest Commission of Colleges and Universities has approved the substantive change of Prince William Sound Community College to move under the accreditation of the University of Alaska Anchorage.  The change brings to an end a process that began over a year ago.  NWCCU approved the following actions […]