Recent News and Information

2016 Women of Distinction

This year’s honorees are: Women of Distinction Honorees 1. Amber Mehlberg 2. Brandy Smelcer 3. Carole Derifield 4. Katey Connell 5. Maureen “Mo” Radotich 6. Shannon Williams Young Women of Distinction Honorees 1. Caitlin Connell 2. Gabrielle Franklin 3. Jaime Comer They will be honored at the annual Women of […]

DNR Asks Interior & Southcentral Residents Not to Burn  Oct. 15-17

DNR Asks Interior & Southcentral Residents Not to Burn Oct. 15-17

The Alaska Division of Forestry is asking residents in Interior and Southcentral Alaska to avoid burning for the next few days due to high winds and dry conditions in both regions. This includes burn barrels and open debris burning. Advertisement With no snow on the ground, conditions in both the […]

FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map and Flood Insurance Study Available Online

FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map and Flood Insurance Study Available Online

FEMA has presented the City of Valdez with preliminary copies of the updated flood insurance rate map (FIRM) and the flood insurance study (FIS). Digital copies are available for public review at the following website link. FEMA will be scheduling a public meeting/workshop in early 2017. Advertisement Additional Info…

Helm Point, Coronoation Island

Images of the Shore Zone

Here in Prince William Sound we often hear about new technological tools, environmental studies, examinations of the weather or the coastline.  But we don’t often get to see what the tool does, look at the data used in the study or get access to the results for our own uses.  […]

City of Valdez Meetings Week of 10/17

City of Valdez Meetings Week of 10/17

City Council Work Session with Ports and Harbor Commission October 17, 2016, 6:00 pm The Valdez City Council will be meeting on Monday, October 17, 6:00 PM, with the Ports and Harbor Commission in a joint work session to discuss the new harbor project. The work session materials are available […]

Alaska Moves Forward With B. C.  to Protect Transboundary Rivers Environment

Alaska Moves Forward With B. C. to Protect Transboundary Rivers Environment

    October 6, 2016 ANCHORAGE–   Building on the cooperative relationship between Alaska and British Columbia, Alaska Lt. Governor Byron Mallott and British Columbia Minister of Energy and Mines Bill Bennett and British Columbia Minister of Environment Mary Polak today signed a Statement of Cooperation on the Protection of Transboundary […]

Police and Fire 10/3-10/16

PRESS RELEASE FOR THE WEEK OF October 3, 2016 – October 9, 2016 Any charges reported in this press release are merely accusations and the Defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty. 10/3 Motor Vehicle Accident with Damage: A white sedan was reported in the ditch on the inbound side […]

PWSC Archery Club

PWSC Archery Club

The PWSC Archery Club holds open shoots Monday and Wednesday evenings from 8:00 to 10:00 at the Hermon Hutchens Elementary School; everyone is welcome. The club’s Annual Turkey Shoot will be November 23 at 8:00, also at HHES. This is a fun family competition, where participants can win a turkey, […]