COVID-19 Testing Options in Valdez Several different options exist in Valdez for symptomatic and asymptomatic COVID-19 testing. All options are by appointment only and at no out-of-pocket cost to the patient. If you are a business or organization seeking testing for a group of five or more people, please contact […]
City of Valdez
Fatality at Valdez Glacier Stream
New Fire Station Open House July 10th
Valdez Independence Day
A schedule and map of locations for Valdez activities.
KCHU Billboard
updated 11/19/21 City of Valdez received notice from DHSS that a Valdez COVID death from a few months ago will be included in the DHSS case count update on Friday, 12/17/21. DHSS will indicate this is not a recent death and being reported following death certificate review. Valdez Public Health […]
History Talk VMHA 6/22/21
Tuesday Nite History Talk. June 22nd. 5:30 pm. NEW! In person talk by Susan Heuer, the Old Town model maker. 436 S Hazelet Ave, the Valdez Museum’s annex.
UPDATED 6/14 Potential Flooding Valdez Glacier Pond and Stream Area
Potential flooding in Valdez Glacier Stream and Valdez Glacier Lake.