City of Valdez

Update on Wildlife Resistant Cans-New Deadline 7/1/20

Update on Wildlife Resistant Cans-New Deadline 7/1/20

New Wildlife Resistant Garbage Collection Program Effective Date Extended to July 1, 2020 Due to a delay in delivery of garbage truck modification equipment, the effective date of the new garbage container program was extended to July 1st (instead of June 1st). So what exactly does that mean?🔸 If you […]

Valdez 1st COVID-19 Case

Valdez 1st COVID-19 Case

Valdez COVID-19 Unified Command FIRST CASE OF COVID-19 IN VALDEZ, NON-RESIDENT ASYMPTOMATIC MALE IS IN ISOLATION NEWS RELEASE For immediate release: 05/22/2020 10:00 p.m. Valdez, AK – The community of Valdez received confirmation of its first case of COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) late Friday evening. The patient is an asymptomatic […]

KCHU Coffee Break-Valdez Economic Relief 5/20

KCHU Coffee Break-Valdez Economic Relief 5/20

The COVID-19 Economic Relief Program, established by Valdez City Council, provides a one-time economic relief payment to qualifying Valdez households & local businesses adversely impacted by the pandemic. Sharon Scheidt, Mayor Pro Tem, and Brian Carlson, City Finance Director, discussed the conception, requirements, and execution of the program on KCHU’s Coffee Break on 5/20 Click play below to listen.