Hello Valdez folks!
For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Allie and I’ve lived in Valdez for the past six or so years. I am in my last semester in the UAS Public Administration Masters Program (MPA).
Part of my MPA Capstone/Thesis Project is to explore ways to improve two-way communications between the City of Valdez and its residents and visitors (what works well, what doesn’t, and what options haven’t yet been explored).
A big step in that process is having folks like you fill out a simple survey. This will help me gather data and better understand how to best provide City information to, and receive feedback from, those who live, work, and play in Valdez.
The survey includes questions about how you prefer to receive City/community information, how you like to get different types of questions answered, and how you are most comfortable giving feedback or input. It takes about 10-15 minutes to complete and answers are confidential (see the survey introduction for more info on this).
If you are willing to help a sister out, please click the link below to participate. To meet my project deadline, I ask that you please take the survey before December 17th. If you have any questions about the survey, feel free to PM me!
Feel free to forward the link on to anyone in Valdez who might be interested! I also have paper surveys available if you know of someone who might prefer that method.