Announcements, Business, City of Valdez

Deadline for Small Business Survey March Third

Small Business Development Center – Business Class Survey

The City of Valdez has invited the Alaska Small Business Development Center to conduct a series of business classes and provide business advising to businesses in Valdez over the next 12 months. If you run a business, plan to start one, or are just considering the idea for a business please take this survey. The survey results will help provide the maximum benefit to the business community as the feedback will be used to determine class topics and the best possible scheduling. The survey will remain open through March 3, 2017. The link to the survey is

Excerpted from the Small Business Development Center web site.

SBDC helps small businesses grow throughout Alaska via its expanding online resources and business management expertise. 

SBDC provides resources, advice and assistance that help small businesses grow and create measurable economic impact throughout Alaska. Assistance is provided by experienced business advisors and experts through on-site and/or online interactions or training, and at no or very low cost to clients.

What We Provide



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